Fawzia Koofi, President of Women for Afghanistan, was recognised in early June by the Asian Women of Achievement Awards*. She was awarded the AWA Chairman’s award for her unwavering commitment and impactful work for Afghan Women. In her acceptancespeech , Ms. Koofi highlighted that  “we must use every opportunity to highlight the painful reality of life for women and girls in Afghanistan”. She further added that “no girl should be denied education due to her gender. No totalitarian power should be allowed to misuse religion to suppress anyone”.

Ms. Koofi continued with a poignant reminder: “It’s nearly 1,000 days since our girls have been barred from school—a painful tragedy. Being forced out of school for even one day is unacceptable. The world has given concession after concession regarding Afghanistan; this situation is NOT NORMAL. We must not normalise it.”

The Women of the Future Awards stand in solidarity with Fawzia Koofi and the girls of Afghanistan, echoing her call to action. We must not overlook the ongoing challenges they face, and we must continue to fight for a world where education and freedom are accessible to all, regardless of gender.

*The Asian Women of Achievement Award highlights the remarkable accomplishments of Asian women in various sectors across the UK, including business, the arts, media, sports, and social and humanitarian efforts. These distinguished individuals are set to join the esteemed Women of the Future Network, a community dedicated to recognising and supporting Asian women of achievement.